Which Is Better... Liquid Or Dry Pectin?
They both use the same pectin, and have the same outcome. Both liquid and dry will have the same gel strength, flavor, color… Nothing will be different. The main difference between the two is how the pectin is introduced into the recipe. Most customers, when asking the question of which one is better, from a processing standpoint we push them toward the dry pectin. This is because it eliminates the step of having to hydrate pectin in liquid before releasing it into the system. Liquid pectin recipes require the pectin to be put into solution because the sugar and the fruit are all put together at once; therefore the pectin has to be pre-hydrated in water because the sugar’s already in the system. With this happening, the pectin will not hydrate because the brix (sugar content) are too high. The dry pectin, is much easier to process because you are only putting it in with other ingredients and it doesn’t take the other step. Regardless, some people swear by the liquid pectin, others dry pectin. It really doesn’t matter. Whatever feels more comfortable to you is ideal! One is technically not better than the other. It’s really personal preference.